Ronjoy Brahma Life Poems

The Story Of Your Life And Mine

You can't tell me your whole story
Like you, I'm not going to tell the whole story of my life
We don't tell all stories like that
We tend to forget the story of life

Life Is Found And Lost

It's not just finding what's available
You'll find something you can't afford and you'll lose something
Today you are happy, tomorrow you will be crying
Thus, happiness and unhappiness are cyclical

Life Is Not Only For You

Life is not only for you

Some people say that life is a series of contradictions
When a person thinks about his or her body parts, he or she is often dissatisfied with the structure and beauty of the body.

Life Is Lost And Found

Who said that even a stone will remain a stone forever?
One day at a time, it will take shape of soil again.
Who can say that the iron does not rust when it is broken?
It is known that everything in the world changes with time.

A Lovely Life

Spring season of getting air
Silence out seeds, free you
Beautiful sky so much burden to carry on
Like the lotus-flower you got form.

One Chapter Of Life

There is a field
This is zero
One in the midle of the forest,
Day and night turn around here is zero.

The Dawn Of Life

The sun resing in the east curtain
Flowers blooming, in the song of birds
To proceed, and proceed
A smile ahead don't get forward

The Lyric Of Infinite Life

The soft and cold flowing wind
Dancing beautifully leafs of trees,
When it rains happily
River and waterfall also flowing with delight.

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