Linda Winchell Poems

Hit Title Date Added
' If I Were To Write A Song'

If I were to write a song for you
it would I think... be written in my tears.
For the love I feel is Oh so deep
It has now been... for many a year.

' I Must Tell You This Story'

“I Must Tell You This Story'

I have, A Story I Must Tell!
Of a Prince who lived so long ago.

' Destiny Calling'

What determines our destiny to be?
What we become, futures predestined to see.
Where will roads lead untill it all ends?
Destiny calling, live's for some predestined to spend.

' A Day To Remember'

Never does a mother forget, that miracle of birth,
It stays within her memory,
With the last and with her first.

'You'Re The Best'

Have I ever told you that, 'You're the best? '
And how much your friendship means to me,
Well I hope you know, it goes without saying,
Those unspoken words you see!

' An Old Beatle's Song'

I heard an old Beatle's song played
while at a dinner function last night.
The speaker that played it for us
was using it to illustrate her fight.

' Hole My Father Dug'

Why is the hole that my father dug
worth more when it's being dug today?
It still is the same size from what I've seen
and the same amount of dirt they haul away!

' Don'T Write Much These Days'

Don't write much these days,
Did your P.C. break or did you give it away?

I remember the days, way back when,

' I'M Your Man'

If you're looking for a shoulder to rest your head
Then please, I'm your man.

If you're feeling that your loads to heavy to carry

' Can'T Eat Anything These Days'

I can't eat anything at all these days
I seem to be allergic to it all!
I can't have any dairy products
you know what that does to us all?

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