Lindsey Priest

Lindsey Priest Poems

I am looking at a painting
Of a cottage by the sea,
The waves are lapping gently,
And someone ‘s beckoning me

Have you ever been to Yorkshire on a bright and sunny day,
I know I am biased, but I really have to say,
There’s no better place on earth, and I’ve been to a few,
Yorkshire is the very best, well, that’s my view!

Nought per cent finance, what a con!
Nought per cent finance, you’re having me on
That's the offer that brought me in here,
Buying this car is going to cost me dear.

We are going to make a patchwork quilt
Before your very eyes,
To tell a special story,
Which will come as no surprise,

Worry Worry Worry
That’s all I seem to do.
Worry about everything
Especially about you!

Why am I always losing things?
Why do they disappear?
Here one minute, gone the next,
I’m sure I put them near.

We have got to dress up at school,
I can tell you we all feel a fool,
Even the kids say that it’s not cool,
Persuaded to dress up at school.

What is it with men and the remote control
Why can't he leave it alone?
He is switching from channel to channel,
Like a human metronome.

Riotous colour,
Petals bright as sunshine,
Splashes of scarlet,

Been to Las Vegas
Couldn’t believe my eyes
Searing heat and slot machines
Took me by surprise.

I was looking at the census
For a relative of mine
A task I thought would be easy
Just trip down the family line.

Life doesn’t look so good.
There is something in the air.
Something menacing,

Beaumont Kaye of Fulstone
Born in Eighteen Seventy One.

At the foot of the hall staircase,
Leading to the door,
A circle of dried blood
Stained the stone cold floor.

I’m going to write about my Grandad
Norman Newsome was his name,

Sometimes I feel
That we never stop,
On this rollercoaster
We climb to the top,

Write a happy poem.
What a great idea!
Forget those niggling problems,
Your head, just try to clear.

Looking at my desk
I can see
All manner of mess
In front of me.

This is the tale of a rabbit
Who lives near Ashcourt Drive.
Was born the runt of a litter.
So is lucky to be alive.

This is the tale of Umbrella Lil
Who walked the streets of town,
She was one of those strange people...
Who wander up and down!

Lindsey Priest Biography

Fifty-three year old Primary School teacher with Parkinson's Disease - but am still smiling! Married to Mike and have two lovely daughters, Jenny (24) and Melanie (22) . If you are reading this - please get in touch and tell me what you think of my poems - honestly.)

The Best Poem Of Lindsey Priest

Cottage By The Sea

I am looking at a painting
Of a cottage by the sea,
The waves are lapping gently,
And someone ‘s beckoning me
To take a closer look into
That picture on the wall,
For in it lies the answer,
The answer to it all.

'Why do I need an answer
To a question I did not ask?
Is there something in that cottage
And to search will be my task? '

'Look a little more closely
So you can see some more,
There’s someone in the cottage
Standing near the door.
At first you did not notice
Now your eyes can see.'

‘And is that someone calling,
Calling out to me? ’

‘That’s right, it’s you they’re calling,
Calling out your name,
Calling you to join them,
To meet them once again.
Look into that cottage
The answer will be there
As you peer into the window,
Be sure to say a prayer.’

‘What answer am I seeking?
What did I want to know?
Wait a minute, are you meaning,
Where did my loved ones go?
I’m not ready to find out yet,
I want to stay right here,
But if they are in that picture
Then they are very near! ’

I looked into that painting,
Of a cottage by the shore,
I looked so very closely
At the old and battered door.
The sea was lapping gently,
And I could plainly see
That no-one there was beckoning
Or calling out to me.

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