Lindsey Priest Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Losing Things

Why am I always losing things?
Why do they disappear?
Here one minute, gone the next,
I’m sure I put them near.

Cottage By The Sea

I am looking at a painting
Of a cottage by the sea,
The waves are lapping gently,
And someone ‘s beckoning me

Yorkshire Lass

Have you ever been to Yorkshire on a bright and sunny day,
I know I am biased, but I really have to say,
There’s no better place on earth, and I’ve been to a few,
Yorkshire is the very best, well, that’s my view!

Car Salesman

Nought per cent finance, what a con!
Nought per cent finance, you’re having me on
That's the offer that brought me in here,
Buying this car is going to cost me dear.

Easter Patchwork

We are going to make a patchwork quilt
Before your very eyes,
To tell a special story,
Which will come as no surprise,

Worry, Worry, Worry

Worry Worry Worry
That’s all I seem to do.
Worry about everything
Especially about you!

Dressing Up

We have got to dress up at school,
I can tell you we all feel a fool,
Even the kids say that it’s not cool,
Persuaded to dress up at school.

Remote-Control Man

What is it with men and the remote control
Why can't he leave it alone?
He is switching from channel to channel,
Like a human metronome.

Eternally Beautiful

Riotous colour,
Petals bright as sunshine,
Splashes of scarlet,

Las Vegas

Been to Las Vegas
Couldn’t believe my eyes
Searing heat and slot machines
Took me by surprise.

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