Loren Angela Parkes Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Girl With The White Stripes

This girl inspires me everyday,
Everything she's been through and she still fighting to live another day,

Her arms and thighs are tattooed with white stripes,

Mr Mimic

You laugh
You stare
You point
You glare

Anxiety Why Cant I Be Free?

My anxiety,
Is a variety,
And ruins my fun of society,
From panic attacks, ticks and phobias,


I feel my blood cursing through my veins,
I feel my heart beating as i say your name,
I feel my belly fill with butterflies as your red lips are oozing,
I feel my tiny hairs on my arms and legs stand up as i find it amusing,

Poisoned Words

The words manifest within her brain,
One by one,
Day by day,
They slowly devour her self esteem within her,

A Turtles Feast

A Turtle was swimming in the ocean one day when he see's a tasty snack,
It's a jelly fish hovering above the ocean floor,
He goes in for the kill,
And within seconds the jellyfish is gone,

Through This Lens

Through this lens the world makes sense
My camera that locks all my memories in a flash, saved for when my recollection doesn't last
With a click of a button I have taken something beautiful, that I can see each day
These photos are why I'm living


I'm an imposter
My love is parasitic
My blood runs like water and oil refusing to stick
Sometimes you'll catch me punch, kick and swear

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