louis rams Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Expectant Mother

she is gentle-yet strong-meek yet bold.
she is a woman to behold.
she is a expectant mother as we can see.
waiting for her child to be set free.

************clown With A Frown**********6/19/69


While sitting in the park one day
A man happened to pass my way.

Mothers Pride

by the way that you speak, i can see.
that you are as compassionate as can be.

you speak of your children with the

Lords Glory

clap your hands and praise the lord
clap your hands and sing a song.
give thanks and praise to the one above
he has given and shown us love.

The Blind Couple And The Close Minded Man

a couple born blind at birth, decided that they would marry
and a child they wanted to carry.
when an acquaintance of a friend
began to question such an affair.

Save The Children

Save the children

Look around you and what do you see
Death, destruction, and misery.

Heaven And Earth

when heaven and earth i can no longer see
my GOD will be in front of me.
and when my GOD says it's time to die
i know that he'll be by my side.

*********the Glutton Mistress****************1978

glutton for punishment is the name of the game
living in that kind of hell, is quite a shame.
never knowing from one day to another
if he'll leave you as a mother.

Sweet Revenge

all alone i have cried
wiping teardrops from my eyes.
hiding the pain that i'm in
wondering if in love, i'll ever win.

Another Place

another place, another time, another dream left behind
another mountain i must climb.
i'll move the earth to make you mine.

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