Dr. Antony Theodore Love Poems

I Love To Bathe In The Spring Of My Soul.

There is a spring in me
that brims and ripples
in the depth of the night.

Let Your Religion Be A Love Affair

With all the power of my being
I shall bless God’s holy name.
My soul, do not forget the gifts of God.
- -

I Love You Beyond The Grave.

Would you
please die before me?
I shall take the pain
of being alone without you.

Ringing The Bells Of Love

Early this morning
in your temple where you live,
I stand before your holy shrine
ringing the bells of love.

How Will It Be, Tell Me, O Poets Of Love.

In the middle of on ordinary life
love gives me a fairytale.

If human love is so full of joy

Tell Me Of Your Dreams My Love.

Come with me my love.

Let us climb the rainbow
till we reach the top of the bow.


Lovebirds, o hold hands
till the warmth spreads all over.
Rub your little beaks
till you feel the silence of love.

Love Is At The "Core Of Your Nature".

Fruit of Surrender is Ecstasy

Feel the peace
that enters you

Love Until You Die

Lost in meditation
I sat at the foot of the Mount.
From the top of Mount Sinai
I heard this call

The Rose Fell In Love With The Dawn

The rose once grew
and fell in love
with the morning rays
of the glorious sun.

I Found Myself In Your Love

I painted in orange and red colours
with fiery power of passion
Your face
on the canvas of my heart.

Ego And Love Cannot Be In Harmony

Ego does not know the unknown
and unknowable.
Ego does not know the transcendent.

Because You Love Me

Because you love me,
Lord, I am allowed to live.
Because you love me,
Lord, I want to live

What Is The Colour Of The Love In Your Soul?

Silver is the sky
Green are the leaves
Shining are the waves
Tiny wings of the morning bird

An Offering Of Love

When you offer
your sincere love,
then you need not be
afraid of anything.

I Love You Stars Of The Heavens

Last night,
in deep silence,
immersed in silence,
I stood on top ofthe hill

Who Can Bathe Me In The Milk Oceans Of Love?

If dreams have wings
I would like to sit on the wings and fly beyond
the realms of the earth.

You Are In The Fire Of God's Love.

You are naked before God.
You are in the fire of God's love.
You are in the goodness of God.
You are in the burning fire of virtues.

Love Calls You For Eternal Enchantment.

Be tender my sweet one, in real love.

Get deep down into the marrow
and know your beautiful self.

Carry The Truth And The Love

God has
chosen you and
me to carry the
truth and the love

Live Your Love Story.

Live your love story at the deepest level
by being spiritual.

The seed for your growth in love is your

Love Compells Me

I believe in God’s loving presence
And faultless providence
More through love’s compelling experience
Than through faith’s vision of them.

Won'T You Love Me?

Won’t you love me?
I need a bit of love;
only a bit.
A bit of love

Eternal Love Influences

Eternal love
influences the Seeker
and the whole personality
rises in the acts of contemplation

Love Is Faithfulness

To love means to be true,
to love unconditionally
means to give with
all your heart to one,

The Flower Seeds That Bloom Only In The Warmth Of Love.

There is in the depths
of the human soul
a glowing fire of love.

Live In The Religion Of Love

I work on the enlightening of my self.
I shall not ask for the approval of anyone.

True enlightening comes only from God.

In Pure Love

All human beings
are created to live
and to lead a life
in pure love.

In Your Love For Me

In your love for me
you burned yourself
into ashes.

A Bomb Of Love

Perhaps we are not yet ready
to make a bomb of love,
a device powerful enough
to entirely destroy the hate,

Turn Into Love......Spiritual Goal Of Life.

Learn anew
to love and to be loved.

Love is a force

Heart's Instinct Of Love

Mysticism is essentially
a movement of the heart,
seeking to transcend
the limitations of the individual standpoint

Love Arrives

The ecstasies of a mystical love
enter into my heart made for the divine.
The pain and pleasure of the past
march with muffled drums.

Nature Is The Symbol Of God‘s Unconditional Love.

God gave the nature,
the human beings
and the animals
countless fantastic,

Love Is Spending Time Together

Love is talking.
It is about speaking,
telling and sharing.

Light Emanates From Love

There is only one God
from whom
all love and light emanates.
God is wisdom and innocence.

'The Flame Of Love Is Waiting For You.

We cannot fill up our emptiness
with objects, possessions and people.

We have to go deeper into that emptiness

Love Is Most Sacred In Its Core.

Love is most sacred in its core.
So, when you let someone too near,
he or she becomes part of you.

It Is Love Calling To Love.

The spiritual pilgrim goes
because he is called.
He wants to go and must go
if he is to find rest and peace.

True Love Is A Give And Take.

True love is a give and take.
Love is not greedy after
the property of others.
Jealousy and envy are alien to her.

How Shall I Love Myself?

I do not want any
unwholesome talk
come out of my mouth.

I Told Tonight My Lady Love

I told tonight my lady love,
the love of my life
„I realize my own nonsenses".
Then she told me at once

Life Is Love And Love Is Life

This expression that
life is love and love is life
is very ancient
pronounced by ancient seers.

For Love Are We Created

Pray for a direct
experience of the spirit.

It gives a firm foundation

A Love Letter

She wrote once to me:
Our love is eternal,
My Beloved ….
Even Death canNOT

Passionate Love

Do not try to understand me.
You may lose your mind
trying to understand me.

Beings - Of - Light - And - Love

We are beings
of light and love.

Hatred and evil

I Want To Love You

I want to love you
without constricting you;
appreciate you
without judging you;

My Love Is Free Of Charge

The false Lover told:
O, my love, you are mine
Make me a garland of golden flowers
And I shall give you the kiss of my lips.

Lost In Deep Penitential Love

Mountains come and hide me!
Rains, pour on in torrents,
so that no one sees me.
Eagles spread your wings

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