Ma Aileen Canizares Salibay

Ma Aileen Canizares Salibay Poems

Eros's arrow is with mystery,
pain and sorrow aglow on its tip.
Greatly fancied by many
but hits him who least expects.

It makes me wonder
When tiny buds suddenly bloom
Not only from twilight till dawn
But all day long.


Dawdling around a place on a hump day
Where everything was blue
And a deafening silence is all you hear
Feels like whimpering in a sepulcher

When false promises are set,
I taste each like a sweet dessert.

When you hand me a slice of cheat,

I wasn't born blind,
yet I become one
when you hold a hand
certainly not mine.

How was I to blame?
With those pretty eyes I see,
I feel trap in Medusa's lair;
I turn to stone when you stare.

I need no word
nor a hand to hold
Let my tears race down on my face.
Let me fall weak on my knees.

Have you got a friend
born with a ram sign?
Only few like to hang around
because lethal is her tongue.

After a great show,
a childish desire was all I saw.
In her eyes it was very clear
though her mouth spoke fear.

I am not a great poet
but you, guys, made poetry great.
This class was like a clean pad
and you're the words filling it up.

She's another Aquarian
who charms everyone.
Her beauty is likened to Aphrodite,
but her voice is to a drunken bee.

Along the beach cackles and gun strikes
equaled the waves splashing fun in Songkran.
But as the summer hues flashed in everyone's eyes
why did spring fill mine?

As the early sun rays tickle my cheeks,
my lips already seek the warmth on your edge.
And no matter how glued I am to my bed
Your scent quickly magnets my sleepy head.

Quick steps.
Hair whips.
Graceful twists.
Heavy sweats.


I have had bad chases.
I have won some races.
I have seen horrible shape shifters.
I have dined with fairy godmothers.


Lying perfectly calm,
I show no qualm
to the shapes that people make
nor to the steps that they take.

On the beach the sun tickled my arched lips;

Its brightness thawed the ice - cold heart inside.

Ma Aileen Canizares Salibay Biography

I'm Ma. Aileen Salibay. I'm from Bohol, Philippines. I currently enjoy teaching to a wide variety of bilingual learners in Thailand. Besides my passion in teaching, I have a deep interest in music and poetry. I express myself best through music, and it has become my top dessert when life serves all sorts of flavors. It wasn't until recently that all flavors have blended together and roused the poet that has long been asleep in my core. Every flavor savored has pulled out rhymes that eventually convinced me that I have tales worth to tell. So, when I am not joining a dance class nor a choral singing practice, I am passionately scribbling words that beautifully rhyme in my head. AiLovePoWITry page is an anthology of love, pain, win, defeat, and others that hopes to offer you a good taste.)

The Best Poem Of Ma Aileen Canizares Salibay


Eros's arrow is with mystery,
pain and sorrow aglow on its tip.
Greatly fancied by many
but hits him who least expects.

One strike hits me so deep,
no less than a mighty lightning indeed.
It weakens all my vitals
but in my feet grows wings.

Odd it is when my eyes meet his;
blood fizzes in my veins.
No mask ever hides
blushes on my cheeks.

He's the opium I can't resist.
The reason behind the air castles I've built.
And though mind unfolds the reality,
the heart brings the world of fantasy.

If only dreams had lips,
deaf he'd become of his name,
dazzled he'd be of his unknown charm,
hushed he'd be of what the heart sings.

But blame me not
if I turn days into nights,
For in this field of game
I seem to play the role of Eponine.

Eros, why pull your bow
if love brings no tomorrow?
Why tempt this heart to risk
if is only meant to break?

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