mamutty CHOLA Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Life Is Like Flow Of A River

Gone time is always worth reliving
It is always a pleasure reliving in gone time

How I wished I could relive in gone time again

Hope Is Elixir

Hope is the foundation of life
Without hope no life is there

However disappointment may be life

Ever Thought What You Mean To Me

You are my soul and heart beat in life
You are my darling companion in life
You are my quest destination in life
You are finale of my intensity in life

Do Not Worry

Death is all pervasive
Character is also all pervasive

Time is also all pervasive always

What Is Democracy?

Democracy is much more than election
Electing people representatives to
Assemblies and lok sabha.

Wonder Of Patience

Patience is not only excellent but supreme

For that reason we say patience wins the race

Complete Success Is Impossible

When each success is a transit camp
Then why not have long term plan
If your destination is river
Why can't you make sea as your destination

Wonder Of Nature

For ages I have been watching changing seasons
Some time spring, sometime autumn and winter

This change has been there since day one in life

Where Have You Gone?

Ever since we had separated

Since than I am in search of you

My Message To Minorities

Wake up, wake up oh my fellow countrymen
This is the call of the time; wake up
Be the creator of your own destiny
Don't blame society for your backwardness

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