Marcia Schechinger

Marcia Schechinger Poems

Wind blows through the screen
as breakfast cools by her bed
I touch her shoulder
she's lifeless

Clefts of clouds settle aimlessly
below my carriage
like dampened cotton balls
pasted to transparent glass

Behind a metal lamppost
a golden sunset shines
Lost in seaweed curtains
streaked with blue tint skies

I am liquid pouring
translucent waterfalls
threaded strands of silk

Another moon promised
as i dangled my foot
over his denim pants
letting my stiletto slip

Just before starlight
sky and earth breathe together
blushing warm and sweet
Pink the skies explode

Cool waves softly stretch
breathing in the wind
slightly covering
sand's warm body

She heard music
throughout her life
knew it could be melancholy
or jubilant

I've studied my life in slow motion
equipped with photos in frames
Read love letters so poignant
from fellows I can't even name

He craves the night
bottled beer
broken radios

Swallowed in his pocket
I hid in his chest
letting the music play
Like the cooing of an ocean wave

When breath is staggered
dry parched lips are tight
eyes swollen
I retreat

An angel sat upon her cloud
of taupe and bluish white
wondering of an earthly sound
and how it felt to cry


Particles of words
dry upon my parched lips
Your jarring crackles and cures
not the hunger

The Best Poem Of Marcia Schechinger

Praying Under White Oleander Skies

Wind blows through the screen
as breakfast cools by her bed
I touch her shoulder
she's lifeless

Alone again you and I mother,
you must awake
so few summers left

Can you sit with me and we
will trace our moments
on yellowed paper

I clutch her wrist
she remains in dreams
eyes sealed weary with age

Awake mother
the racing in my heart
needs the ritual prayers of old

Shall we say a 'Hail Mary'

I lift her to sit
she gazes without smile
but obediently eats
eyes open weary with age

The wind blows
and I and memories
whisper our prayer alone
under white oleander skies

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