Mary Angela Douglas Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Walking On The Jewels Of Your Silence

walking on the jewels of your silence
I saw the winter sky come down
enfolding a long-ago radiance.

Lost Things, Old Gloves, Old Fans, Pearl Opera Glasses

lost things, old gloves, old fans, pearl opera glasses
gazing on the moon; the clouds before the storm;
the autograph of God on all of it.

The Mermaid Predictions, The Future Of Snow

the mermaid predictions, the future of snow
is this my future thought the smallest one
a pearl dissolving only on the surface of the seas.

[to Isak Dinesen.
and to the word 'roseate'
to Poetry, itself, as it once was]

here's a picture
in orange organza drinking my orangina
in an orange grove it could have been that way
in a garish color ad in National Geographic

The Many Coloured Bear At Rest In A Variegated Light

to Mr. Perry Cordill in praise of his painting, 'Papa Bear'

a popsicle bear shrilled the little girl
blue raspberry! where he slurped it in the grass

The Folks Back East Got Your Letter

to Stephen Crane and so many others

showboater, shilly shally
all I want to say:

Voice Prints Of The Angels On The Crystal Air

to my grandmother at Christmas, always

voice prints of the angels on the crystal air
remind me of your

Pure Tangerine Is The Colour I Would Speak

pure tangerine is the colour I would speak
irrepressible cherry, lemon-lime so lingering
from the jump rope times

The Phrase Where God Is Glad To Appear

to Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg, premier violinist


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