Mary Angela Douglas Poems

Hit Title Date Added

wrecked gold of the far illuminations
is coming home
and moonlight sunk in

White Frosted Cake Viewed At Ages 6 And 7

(with a stray phrase at the end, owed to edna st. vincent millay)

white frosted (coconut) cake
with a single cherry, or only half a cherry

It's The Fairy Queen Out Of Sight In Pale Pink Satin

it's the Fairy Queen out of sight in pale pink satin
you want to catch a glimpse of through the trees.
and the harp glissandoes, and you almost

Book Condition: (Fairest Of The) Fair

this book is not a former library book. it has mild
smudging where a child lay down her candy bar
on a hot summer day; a few nail polish

Budding Artists In A Tempera Grove Play School

a gold leaf sun in the corner of the picture
lets you know it is a sunny day
in the tempera landscapes painted with

The Wind Has Caught The Tattered Rainbow Sail

to the true God, to the true Christ and to those with the courage now-
to know the difference

the wind has caught the tattered rainbow sail

Perfect Christmas Stocking

stuffed with rubies, perhaps
kaleidoscopes made of rose window shreds
a plaster saint made of snow

This High Circus Life Has

this high circus life has
its irrefutable laws

but clowns are sustained by

For The Moment, A Sanskrit Illumination

for the moment, a Sanskrit illumination-

and clouds slip over a polished moon
they are throwing voices on the

Rose Pink Flamingo Flurries Over Africa

on Nikolai Gumilev, a brief cadenza-

Rose pink flamingo flurries over Africa
he might have seen, if he had lived

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