Mary Angela Douglas Poems

Hit Title Date Added
I Lost That Summer Walking On

I lost that summer walking on
golden sidewalks,

returning to no wisteria-laden porch-

Who Will Take The Song And Lead It Home

in memory of my grandfather, Milton B. Young

who will take the song
and lead it home

The Dream Of The Overland China

to Bess Streeter Aldrich

there should be coral rosebuds round it
she said softly speaking of her dream-china

Who Dreamed That Coming Back To Life Would Be This Way

who dreamed that coming back to life would be this way
pink blossoms flaring in the cold and snows flowing away
and the trickle of Time under the ice gives way

To The Lark Descending

[to the prophetic Hans Christian Andersen,
for his fairytale: 'The Emperor's Nightingale']

[to the tune of Vaughn Williams 'The Lark Ascending' played more and more faintly...]

I Have Friends In A Box

I have friends in a box.
beneath a screen.
I think I have.

Hope Is The Best Poem Of All

[to the cyber-bullies who waylaid my poem on the blogsite Scarriet]

'Hope thou in God, for I shall yet praise Him...'
from Psalm 42: 11

In The Dream Of The Seventh Willow

{enter, Desdemona, singing}

lost in the dream of the seventh willow
where was her testament of flowers, she mused

The Picture Book At The End Of The World

the picture book at the end of the world
stamped with the king's foil roses
I breathed in:

Full Magic Dwells With Him

to C.S. Lewis

and to Dr. Louis Markos for the intensified magic of Lewis - reinterpreted

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