Live Your Life
Take each moment and day to day,
Do not throw your life away.
Remember yesterday and look for tomorrow.
Prayer is worth more than a rose
in my hand where love grows
for God and all he knows
The rose has a thorn
A May Wedding
As a bride who has the long veil around her head
The dogwood has white petals and they hide branches on the tree.
When it is time for her to kiss the groom
We are having a picnic today,
and meet at the same place
so some of us will travel from faraway.
Snow In The Air
Snow in the air
comes gently down
and it is everywhere
When I am alone
There is something in the air blowing in the wind
It makes me want to hold a shell in my hand
So I can hear the ocean waves in my ear and
I stopped to look over a bridge.
I see the river flow not a stream.
God has another one of his beautiful creations.
In time for so many celebrations,
A flower shaped like hearts in full bloom.
When a bride kisses the groom;
For eight days, the one candle on the menorah is kept lit
and it reminds me of God's love from heaven,
We keep his love burning inside forever.
God bless those who light the candle and keep them in good health.
At the family gathering, we had a crowd
So we could perform levitation and we felt proud
It was the best time to do this at the celebration
The room was dark so this exercise was also meditation