Meg Harrison Poems

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If You Dream

What if you wake up from a dream and wished it could be real.
Do not dream about it until it comes true.
Since dreams are not fairytales.
You have to work to fulfill them.

A Rainbow

The beautiful colors came from heaven.
This is God's palette used to create the world.
The magic painted the water, sky and trees.
Magic also used for animals which came first after these.

Tenderness In Love

This love is soft with your skin against mine.
even when we do not kiss your voice is soft and fine
also gentle to hear you say my name
even though I am not famous

A Baby's Innocence

The baby will see God's face appear as a vision in the eye
Also a baby hears god’s voice in a lullaby.
Since God is a part of his flesh,
A newborn baby feels love from God that is so fresh

In My Backyard

I planted daffodils these show us the beautiful color of the sun.
I had lilies near a bush so many colors not just one.

Cool Splash

The whole pool is clear as ice
it is inviting me
I jump in and I feel nice.

God With Us

We see him in the moonlight
keeping the world in his sight
even though the night is the darkest.
God is with us and we are all blest,

A New Beginning

It is a day to look into the future and remember the past
this is a new day that will go by fast.
I think of family that are no longer with us
but now they are with Jesus.

Snow On Christmas(Revised)

The snow comes down so gently like God’s Love for Mary and for us
When he gave us Jesus and Mary remained pure as snow.

Baby First Tears

when a baby is born
when the baby cries
as the baby open his eyes
behind the baby's tears

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