Michael Gale Poems

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Tossed Rag-A-Muffins.

Dust bunnies just-a-swirlin' in the wind...
Scattered all about as tossed rag-a-muffins.

Winds of war awakens the beast in us all...

Swing, Swing Hardest, At The Curve Balls, Hurled At You

Swing, swing hardest at the curve balls hurled at you by the big pitcher up way high...
That is all we can do, is but try and sigh.

Now, mind you, i'm not implying that we are punished in any way...

Gnish Gnash Thy Penny Swept Cash.

A filthy mess o' me...
A filthy filthy filthy flea.

Climbing and clamboring for many a fauna...

My Love Of Her Goes On Forever.

Sunshine freshness of the heart's own breath...
Breathes fresh love fro' one within.

My eyes of adoration for my love...


A very slow dripping dropp o' salted rain fro' thy eye's own heart...
Shed the tear of broken love drifting two lovers lost apart.

How did'st thy heart fade fro' thee? ...


Here i sit day to day...
At this card table of poetry that i daily relish my dealings in readings.

What this day will i be dealt? ...

Bearded Man And His Stove Top Hat To Freedom.

In civil war of brother against brother...
There came a man in bearded face to slavery's wanted erase.

In times of war of mother country in history man takes his violent place...

A Conversation Between Lucy & Ricky & Fred.

Dee plane, dee plane! ...
You jus' don' worry bout it Lucy.
You just let me 'splain...
It's not bad lookin' Ethel, it's just too plain.

A Magical Plate And A Magic Lamp Of Unlimited Wishes.

Terracotta on the shelf...
Plate be painted as in middle sits a winking old elf.
Magic plate never gets empty...
No longer shopping in grocery stores.

That Love's Lasso'Ed Around My Drowing Neck.

If we are lucky enough in life....
We get lassoed by love's leash hung around our lifely necks.
We meet that special person-whether they be a husband or wife.
That lovely loving woman becomes our life boats first mate on our life's

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