Michael P. Johnson Poems

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Make Light Work

We hear in church “The Truth is mine”
“My home’s with God above”
But who has Light and fails to shine Isa.60: 1
Is wasting Jesus love

Seek It Find It

Do you believe in Darwin’s tale?
In Satan’s pack of lies
Are you so deceived behind his veil?
Its folly to be wise

Eyes Are All Around

We’ve tried to run we’ve try to hide
Living a life of crime
But God has promised to abide
Beyond the end of time

On Hopeful Knees

My God my God what have I done?
Again I’ve walked astray
Although I try to serve Your Son
I fail most every day

Don’t Wait Too Long

Lets seek for life whilst yet there’s time
Let’s learn our God to fear
Let’s put Him first our service prime
Whilst still The Christ is near

My Spouse Has Gone

Disturbed in bed again I wake
The truth is close at hand
In tears my head begins to shake
It’s hard to understand

My God, You Heard Me

You heard my God my prayer above
The songs in tears I’d sing
You’ve raised this wretch through perfect love
To serve my Lord and King

Listen Up

Many of us err and go astray
Many a soul is lost
Living loving to disobey
Failing to count the cost

What A God

When grace illuminates Your Word
Upon Damascus Road
No longer is The Truth absurd
Nor burdensome our load

You See It All

Searching around looking above
Probing most everywhere
I looked for peace I searched for love
But only found despair

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