Michael Shepherd Poems

Hit Title Date Added
! The Ultimate Hamburger

The great Hamburg football team
is to lay out a cemetery for supporters
next to its pitch – in the form, of course,
of another pitch whose grass

! In The Spirit Of Rumi - 14

I will create you,
I shall name you;

! Suppose A Smile.

Suppose a smile.

Suppose it always, with a smile.

Unicorn 2

Whenever we’re nearest to one in ourselves –
that’s when they’re most likely to be seen:
as we step out from the trees
into the gently sunlit glade, moss under hoof and foot,

0211 It Takes All Sorts

It takes all sorts to make a world, they say
(how do 'they' know anyway?) :
but it certainly looks like that here this sunny day:

Grown-Ups Are Daft - A Limerick For Rh

I went round the keyboard-type shops
But they only stocked qwertyuiop s...
Well, I ask you - if we
Can't read straight, ABC

0294 Bless This Thy Child

Rose-pink, glowing, tiny hands and toes,
the magic of perfection brought to life -
if we can think beyond that self-same glow,
how may we help your passage through this life?

0010 Memory

and brought back with her

the first few primroses she did not pick
tucked neat into the hedgerow

! Prosody?

it’s about - it means - what poetry does,
and how. I guess..
In Greek, it just means ‘tune’. That

0161 Heaven: Thoughts From 1350 Ad/Ce

Heaven is not a place; it is a state;
not in the clouds, nor here on earth beneath;
heaven's not in front, behind, nor left nor right -
and yet, in love it comprehends all these.

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