Michelle Hyde Poems

Hit Title Date Added
There Is A Time To.....

There is.......

A time to write,
A time to listen,

The Love Of A Vampire

Icy hands caress my face,
My heart begins to race.
Held fast in a warm embrace,
Crimson lips touch my face.

Dark Love

Why do you come to me in my sleep?
My dark angel, my sweet
Why do you hide from the light?
Why do you only venture out at night?

My Crush

Shhh! ! you can not tell.
For this is a secret that I have hidden very well.
There is a guy that I like.
It is all so new that it gives me a fright.

The Feeling Of Love

I watch you from a distance,
Never coming to close,
I don't know this feeling,
I get when you walk past.

Death Deserved

What have you done to me?
A black cloud of betrayal as thoughts writhe.
Once we savored heaven,
innocent and untainted,

Dawn Of A New Day

Before the smell of hot pavement and car exhaust,
Before the bees start buzzing while the birds sing their morning songs,
While the dew is still fresh and the morning light is new.

The Lost Son

I watched you grow,
My sweet little boy,
And now I know,
That your life is not a toy.

The Fire

A tortured tyrant
A masked murderer
Secret and silent
Growing against darkness

Gone, Yet Not Forgotten

I am gone, but not forgotten.
In this world of constant chaos, we found each other.
Together we were happy and memories we have shared.
Forever we will remember,

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