
Micron Poems

Hope is a dream in the mind of what can come
Hope gives you a future whatever has passed whatever done
Hope is a light that breaks through the darkness that us surround
Hope helps us find our way through to safer loving ground

A friend who I hope with me will stay
A friend thats been there both night and day
A friend who's been there by my side
A friend who found me when I'm upset and hide

Wake, work, home, eat sleep
This cycle keeps on and on
As the time it takes is so long
Wake, work, home, eat sleep

A person maintains a balance of feeling
Some are destructive others giving healing
Some give great joy whereas others are sad
They can be good or painful and bad

Snow is falling
From the sky above
Snow is falling
Put on scarf and glove

The typed words of an angel appeared on my screen
Sending kindness and love though me shes not seen
Like soothing music played from a harp
Words are sent to me heart to heart

You can find people that say they are your friend
But this is often not true and sends me round the bend
These are people that will often will talk just have fun
But will walk away once your use to them is done

There's liars back stabbers all around
They grin pretend so this isn't easily found
You try to be nice and friendly to them
They talk smile joke with you and then


Hugs are a simple, powerful thing,
A wonderful gift, you can always bring.
Hugs will bear your soul, and heart,
As your inner love, and care you impart.

My owners they took me to the beach
They parked facing the sea it was in reach
But I was ready to make my escape
As the whole journey a plan I did make

Health and safety there to protect me and you

Lots of rules to follow on what to do

We all have a unique power and strength
Though many strive blindly to get it at length
Some see power in a weapon revenging
But it takes greater strength in simply forgiving

The soothing sea ebbing sound washes over you today
In an endless cycle forever and a day
It endlessly gently caresses the beach
So stop watch listen as it relaxes you its known


Dive into a book without delay
Wonderful things I do say
Fiction and Non-fiction too
All brought to life by you

Waves of gentle music fill the air
Graceful people dancing everywhere
Chandeliers glisten, sparkle in tune
Stars twinkle dance as does the moon

Identity please security do ask
As you show them your identity pass
They look at it letting you through
But its that plastic card really you

It's a mysterious morning in the wood as the fogs settled in
Fog dances with the wind through the trees twirling
A hazy white blanket diffusing scattering the light
Everything looks so different tricking your sight

Try always to be thoughtful and kind
To be loving is much better I find
Harsh works do not always work here
Love speaks to the soul and brings no fear

In my sadness I long to feel people near
But in reality no one is here
I have no reason to being on this earth
No purpose or any real worth

We always start with a pair
Two matching socks we did wear
After washing one seems to disappear.
Search high and low its nowhere near.

Micron Biography

Now what can I say about me - I guess poems is the way I now express feelings thoughts things Im going through - so the best way to know me is through my poems my inner pain battles. Guess they show the worse side of me really because reveal my inner pain and frustration. Should say it shows light coming through darkness and lots of inspirational stuff but If im having a 'crash' as I call it then sorry its a crash: S Not all nice but some things not so bad I guess.)

The Best Poem Of Micron

Hope Is

Hope is a dream in the mind of what can come
Hope gives you a future whatever has passed whatever done
Hope is a light that breaks through the darkness that us surround
Hope helps us find our way through to safer loving ground
Hope fights for you when things get so very tough
Hope means keeping going when you have had enough
Hope though dims on times stays through your sorrow
Hope brings you through by dreaming of tomorrow
Hope tries to console you when your eyes glisten with tears
Hope gives you something to keep going whatever your fears
Hope is free beautiful may fade but never dies
Hope is always there even if its light seems dim on times

Micron Comments

Unique Moore 06 February 2011

i just love your poems a lot it make you see that your not alone

4 1 Reply
Richard Neville 18 October 2009

I love your poems. They are so meaningfull. Me and a group of friends suffer both bipolar disorder and schizophrenia and your poems helped us out alot epecially making them into songs.

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