Micron Poems

Hit Title Date Added
When Everything Goes Wrong

Somedays if feels nothing goes right
And everything around you do fight
Everything you tried for is shatters and broke
And you wonder why this morn you woke

No Valentine

The cruel thig called valentine
Which is there singles to remind
They have noone to call mine
however hard they have tried to find

Guest Book

I had a message box that everyone could see
Recording nice things people said to me
Time went on and on till the other day
When I logged on and it had gone away

Forgotten House

This great house was abandoned to decay
Forgotten unloved but here it does stay
Sun bleached wood cracking in the heat of the day
Paint simply peeled completely away

Happy Birthday Laurette

Happy Birthday to Loretta
I could never forget her
On this your special day
Here's a poem to say

My Fire Inside

As Evening Falls....

As evening falls,
Beauty of nature she calls
A warm orange glow us does surround
Casting a magical light all around

Happy Birthday To Ash

There once was a man called Ash,
Who's birthday party was a mad dash,
He wanted a cake,
But his friends wouldn't bake,

Goodness Love Stays

However many tears around you flow
And rivers of water do ebb and grow
There is goodness all around to stay
That no river of tears can wash away

Hurt – Hidden Inner Scar

When your emotions have been hurt inside
It can be so easy on times to hide
Its real pain and hurts like hell
Worse than if from a cliff you had fell

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