Miroslava Odalovic Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Good Teachers Bad

Some teachers regret the day when they taught their students to read and write
I wonder about mine.

Neki uč itelji zažale dan kad su svoje djake nauč ili da č itaju i pišu. Pitam se za svog.

A Concert For The Mushroom

A concert for the mushroom

Post modern
Pre mortal

Zdravo, Moje Ime Je Sara

Moje ime je Sara.
Ja sam ona koja nisam,
koja nikada nisam.
Ovo su ruke za moje zagrljaje.

Who Hit The King

The ace of all the spades
The joker of all the trades
Or the queen resting in shades
Where headless flowers sing


it begs and sometimes it hurts just the same
even when there's not a single outstreching
in a snowflake masterfully open for the palm of myself
we can fall, it's easy, all it takes is a hand

Games Of Cruelty

The question was crying in the corner
In spasm fingers casting
Delivery pains of questions
In a trembling body revealing

A Discovery/Otkrice

From behind all the twilights and evening shadows
Under all the covers
And you who do the night rims vigils
Under all sand clocks

You Might As Well Come In

and say hello to some of your dreams
they keep resting on your oblivion morn
of the wake and hours of sleepless nights

Instant Karma

You want conversations per detoxications
Intellyjelly fish to glide
Right to your side to be satisfied


I cannot even see
what they have become of thee
a scare's for a crow and shoes are for a show
and things there are that must go on

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