Mohammad Younus Bhat

Mohammad Younus Bhat Poems

Like Chameleon
He has an elastic tongue
But has repentance!

Cloud of flies stick to
The web of devilish world _
Swarm of honey bees!

What kind of society do we have?
Where taps are weeping and bulbs are blinking
What kind of society do we have?
Where fathers are working and sons are playing and drinking

My name is Rich Hospital
But actually I am not rich
I am rich only because of

When you plunge into the ocean of knowledge
You can get the pearl of patience
When you plunge into the crowd of Angels
You can not shake your hands with lucifer

The naked mouth of the mountain
Kisses the feet of the silky cloud
The green plateau welcomes me
To have a cup of tea

Oh the tree of birch
How soft you are from outside!
And how callous you are from inside!
Did you ever ponder over it?

You are in the fetters of desires
You are tiresome in the boggy world
The mundane world is nothing
But the wall of sand

The child is father of the man
If father is the sower,
mother is the soil
Then why do you forget

Hymenopterious Honey bee
What a creature you are!
You flutter among the flowers
And feed on pollen and nectar


Life is ocean
In which tides of sorrows
rise frequently
And buds of bliss bloom seldom

How wonderful it is!
The bread-eater goes to the house of bread any time
And the person
Who lives in the house of thread


Nowadays it is not uneasy
To have a chance of
Making screen friends
And meeting without any hesittion

You are the lady of light for me
My betterhalf
My peace of mind
My spark of hope

The one-eyed Sun
Showers its light to The peaks and plains
But a man has two eyes
And a bridge of nose

O' Man, you had become addicted of hangover
But now this is hacknayed
Try something new
Be screen addicted

I am not non living
I am a living
Thing I can
Remove the clothes Of people But, I have a

In this wild world
Everyone is in trouble
Everyone is fish out of water
Everyone is revolving around

O' You bride remind the tips
Raise your hands eat your chips
Lots of people lost their lives
Heavy quilts are your lips

Why stony O' man?
In triangle or circle
The world of water

The Best Poem Of Mohammad Younus Bhat

Elastic Tongue

Like Chameleon
He has an elastic tongue
But has repentance!

Mohammad Younus Bhat Comments

Mohammad Younus Bhat Quotes

Anger is, something to be done against someone's intimate will.

Art is the transformation of things from one form to another, after getting aesthetic sensibility stimulated.

Late comers are late buyers.

Where there is inferiority complex, there is jealousy.

One, who does not have the fear of Creator, has absolutely the fear of creation.

As a sound heart has a sound thought

Fear is the mother of goosebumps

Where there is the sense of loneliness, there is fear. Where there is no courage, there is fear. And where there are goose bumps, there is also fear.

The undisturbed condition in the world of men and mind is nothing but peace.

Naivety is the main cause of hardship and hardship is the main cause of compulsion.

If you are free from foul eyes, you can win the house of heart.If you are free from stealthy hands, you can enter the rooms of the house of heart. If you are free from impertinence, you can be the guest of the house of heart.

Language is skill and skill is transfered or taught .When skill is transfered or taught, obviously, language is transfered or taught as well.

Fear is, the knocking of the door of heart with the stick of unexpected happening.

Pain is a bridge between body and soul.

Man is innocent but slavery makes him rustic.

Talk on time so that your self respect will be firm and stable.

Leave overthinking and be serene.

You must achieve such a deferential status that someone be in queue for you.

Anger is the opposite of Patience and Patience is the ability to put up with negative criticism.

When someone repeats their mistakes while lecturing, they do not know the same properly.

The secret of sadness is, the hearing of unwanted message.

In the end, Man comes after war to the same situation that was before war.So, why does man become ruthless?

Evocation is the prosperity of poetry.

Ask those who have scoliosis or kyphosis if you want to know the importance of backbone.

Snow is silent where as Rain is violent.

In sleep, sleepers travel in the spiritual world rather than material world. I mean their heart pumps the blood and pulse rate is measured in bpm (beats per minute) but they can not talk or see when they are asleep. Instead they can see inwardly.

The time before the present time is nothing but history.

If you hang on to the rope of love, you will be the conquerors of the world.

The language of our mind is based up on imagery not on words.In other words it relatively converts words into images like OCR.

The more things there are in the world, the more money rotate in the world

If you are good listeners, you will be good deciders.

Feathers of success fly freely when you work hard.

An unlocked mobile phone is just as nude as a woman.

Everyone's loop of life is just as circular as nature.

Great imagination comes into existence after comprehending great poetry.

Our heart is a candle and our tears are candle drops.When the candle of our heart is lit with a tempestuous stick, our candle drops begin to flow.

Marriage is the synthesis of two hearts.

Building is of prime importance.But it should neither be nest nor be Burj khalifa.

Sleep is the forgetfulness of everything.

The inner situation is more adverse than the outer state of affairs.So, the more miserable our inner situation is, the more satisfactory our outer condition is.When our inner world is full of misery, we ignore our outer world's adversity.

We should be rich by heart not by house.

Experience is the observation, observed for the first time.

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