Mousumi Bhowmik Poems

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Whispers Of The Moonlight's Embrace

When twilight casts its gentle, silver glow,
And shadows dance upon the moonlit floor,
The night unveils a mystic, tranquil show,
Where dreams take flight and hearts desire more.

Whispers Of The Twilight Sky

As dusk descends, the twilight paints its hue,
A canvas swathed in whispers of the night.
The heavens, like a curtain draped askew,
Reveal the stars, ablaze with golden light.


When I talk to you
The waves rise in the sea
Occasionally touches
the beach

On Birthday Of My Husband

On this special day, with love profound,
I celebrate the man, so dear and renowned.
A day that marks your birth, my cherished love,
A gift to this world, from the heavens above.

Frosty Whispers

Upon a snowy hill, at dawn's first light,
The morning breeze emerges, pure and bright.
Whispering through pines, a gentle hush,
Caressing the landscape with a wintry brush.

Two Thoughts Divides The Lane

One thought tells to fly
Tells sky has no limit

Another tells to know

Solitary Speech 1

Only once in the past
I thought I would see the mountains
Surrounded by lush green, high arrogant.
I thought I would know the secret of difficulty

When A Flower Is Blooming

In nature's tender grasp, a wondrous sight,
A flower's quiet journey, hidden from light.
Beneath the earthly veil, a secret it keeps,
A treasure wrapped in petals, as it slowly sleeps.

When I Stay Indoor

When I stay indoor
my thoughts want to fly
I imagine the walls
as an empty canvas


Be it a mask that can cover up disgusting instincts
Even if you can't wash it off, keep them behind a screen.
Let its hardness be so beautiful
that everyone loves it.

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