Muzahidul Reza Poems

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My Memories In 2018

My Memories In 2018
3 December,2018

You ask what memories I have in the year 2018

Life And Daffodil

A lifelong process
That lifelong obsesses
With lifelong failure
Or lifelong success,

In The Sea On The Whale

In the sea on the whale
The fishermen threw a pike,
The whale: I am harmless while
You are hurting me deadly deep,

Corpses Delivery (Verse)

In the war these heroes have died
Though the war was illegal,
They are martyrs
They have shed their blood in the war

On Topsy-Turvy Of The Earth And The Society (Stanza)

Miraclely or abruptly this earth was not got
Stage after stage and in many stages
It took topsy-turvy inward and outward
Got reversed up and down, round and round

Behind Ghost And Its Story

In the evening, the passerby while lonely passing
Heard some noises of an unseen cart on other way
Which he mistook bone breaking, tearing, chopping,
Murmuring, rumbling, trembling sounds all around,

Knowledge Confined In Paper (Prose Poem)

Sharpening the cells in cerebrum and cerebellum
Through meditation, arts, knowledge and strategy
With emotion, motion of sad and happy persons
From the history up to date and the moving pages

Unseen Force Seen Works (Octave)

Unseen air comes in and gets out of us
Doing some seen internal vital works
Supplying oxygen and removing poisons
Are among those life saving necessaries

Bangladesh (Acrostic)

Bangladesh - An Acrostic Verse
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B angladesh, a delta plain country on the Bay of Bengal is geographically,


At his arrival the darkness of all sorts got jerked
Began withering away from the whole periphery
He started preaching 'Oneness' to save mankind
From devils' direct and extreme design of devilry.

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