Naomi (fellowtuber123) Hamilton Poems

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Burning Again

Fuelled with the motivation of your obscure fiery wrath,
Burning again and again, the enemies in your path.
The surge of supreme power, erupting from your core,
The Goliath that dwells within you, is empowered as you roar.

Today Is A Good Day

Today is a good day,
A day when you can
Close the void in your life
And call it yesterday's news.

A Fallen World

A discontented feeling in a discontented world,
Let all of society's secrets immediately unfurl.
An intangible theory tinted from your own,
The establishment of the intention to detect the unknown.

'Good' Morals

Anticipating peculiar thoughts to rupture the habitual routine,
To spark some sort of difference, the abnormal, the obscene.

Thoughts that mankind labels as The Wrong,

We Are The People

We are the philosophers, poets and dreamers.
The ones who detect the value in everything.

We are the heart breakers, the heart achers.

The Voice Inside

You said that you'd come back,
But now you've left me without a soul.
No on to relate to,
Or compensate for.


You said that you'd come back,
But now you've left me without a soul.
No on to relate to,
Or compensate for.

Storytellers Are Awfuly Good Liars

Telling the tales of a thousands ages,
Whispered to the attentive human ear.
So many times and places, names and faces,
Accomplishments, failures and fears.

All You Need Is A Heart Full Of Poetry

All You Need Is A Heart Full Of Poetry

Auspicious hopes slaughtered by the Sword of Doubt,
Desperate for water in a time of drought.

The Bridge

The Bridge

The bridge hung lazily above that lively stream,
It had nothing to do but be rigid and day dream.

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