We Rainy Days have a certain charm about us,
Our pitter-patter is like an orchestra
But We have more players, and instruments
And parts.
Little Daisy, espy:
This river starts somewhere
Goes somewhere – ends somewhere...
I love what I know that I don't know -
‘Tis darkness that gleans us light,
That tree in the distance looks oh so -
Chilled in an autumn sight,
I tire,
Like the grains of sand on a beach -
So lulled and at peace,
My lethargy overcomes
Out on the veranda
Death whispers in my name
Or I to it, see we
Are stark as starch, and deprived
One cannot help but gazing at the stars
Notice their verisimilitude, their dimness,
Lit through the smog from a distance,
Withstanding sympathy for the other effects of
I am from the this-a-cup and that-a-cup
Of lemonade and honeydew -
Betwixt the only remaining
Dried flowers of my childhood
Causality invited me casually
To meet the man, but I have no interest
In being made; he chuckled, and asked if I,
Not everywhere, perceiving triumvirates of old,
On this saints' eve, we exhort ourselves
To the fact: we may not return
From the edge of worlds;
We are not so distant.
Stoke Choke cloak bloke fluke?
Stroll ol' dole knoll, gnome come
"Gone aft agley"