Nikhil Parekh Poems

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Dance Upon Every Chance.

Whether it be as inconspicuous as an invisibly dissolute ant; or whether it be as towering as the highest apogee of the invincibly towering mountain; upon which fell the very first rays of the brilliant Sun,

Whether it be as overpoweringly black as the color of unearthly midnight; or whether it be blazing towards an infinite new civilizations of tomorrow—like the profusely ameliorating beams of empowering dawn,

Kill The Smoke. Stamp The Cigarette. Quit Smoking Forever.

Before it vindictively enshrouds every pore of your skin; with its despairingly hideous tinges of cancerous yellow,

Before it metamorphoses you into a carcass of nothingness; with even the most amorphous of scarecrow looking more robust than your disastrously haggard flesh,

Man-The Biggest Hypocrite

He thanked the simmering rays of the Sun from the innermost realms of his heart; for compassionately befriending his every heartlessly chilly winter morning,
Whilst the same man unrelentingly abused the same Sun for transforming him into a gutter of disdainful sweat; as the peak of afternoon crept by and he trespassed his terrace barefoot.

He thanked the voluptuous puffs of clouds for permeating each instant of his otherwise bedraggled day; with unparalleled fantasies of desire; charm and inseparable longing,

Beauty In Pure Candlelight

A hard black thread projected few inches,
from the slender body of green complexioned wax,
standing tall and handsome in hollow cavities of curved metal,
firmly riveted to base in a pool of solidified liquid,

Writing Poetry

Writing poetry is like the newborn draughts of ecstatic wind; kissing the innocuous cluster of green leaves; with the most uninhibited ardor and camaraderie of all times,

Writing poetry is like the soul wholesomely cleansing itself of even the most inadvertently committed of its sins; as it blended with the beats of magical verse; which transcended over every religion; caste; creed; color and tribe,

Sweat Bath

Neither was the most contemporarily powerful of air-conditioner needed; even as the heat outside raced to an unbearable scorch,

Neither was there the most infinitesimal puff of wind that could provide any respite; as time painstakingly crawled to welcome a fresh dawn,

Human Emotions

I swooned, collapsing on the ground like a pack of plastic cards,
after viewing ghastly images of Dracula on the silver screen.

I burst into fits of laughter, somersaulted wildly with my intestines aching,

Miracle Warmth

Voracious winds caused waves to crash against the mighty rock,
deafening sounds emanated as boulders tumbled down the mountain,
cacophonic tunes echoed as fat fingers compressed horn socket,
golden sunlight prompted sapphire stones to radiate light,

Through The Eyes Of Newly Born Rat

Strolling masses of human looked like huge monsters,
midget sized dustbin appeared as a tank containing Grey boulders,
olive green fruit of banana struck my view as hanging bridges,
round mass of watermelon was visible as the flaming Sun with coats of green,

Open Mouthed Yawn

As it occurred there was a pungent moisture that besieged my eyes; engendering
them to open a bit wider than usual,

As it occurred there seemed to be a dreariness in my bones; an insatiable desire to close of the lights,

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