Nikhil Parekh Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Candle Wax Palace

I built a palace of pure molten wax,
painting it with gaudy coats of tree root color,
studding the kingly doors with brooches of gold,
providing a plethora of waterfall dribbling down,

Alligator On The Prowl In Full Moon

Round balls of pearly white gas,
with thin wisps of grey cloud floating haphazardly,
as cool as snow drops of ice at night,
assassinating traces of daytime heat,

Ceiling Fan

Regulating incessant draughts of fresh air,
revolving in circular clockwise journeys,
tapered blades riveted to oval bodied bearing,
suspended from a jugglery of plastic wire,

Cluster Of Teeth

They can chew hard sugarcane,
entangle seeds from fibrous fruits,
snatch fodder for survival,
bite into hard skull of coconut,


The wall of the edifice was composed of contemporary brick,
the waters in oceans were composed of gargantuan pinches of salt,
mighty precipices of the mountain were composed of diffused rock and mud,
stolid poles of light on the street were composed of jugglery of iridescent bulb,

Congregation Of Numbers

Numbers have a profound power to enchant,
it all started centuries ago,
like a magic wand in a conjurer's hand,
when astral constellation in the sky shone;

Crab Poison

Glistening golden sands of the beach,
A lunch box for venomous crabs,
Stormy waves dispatching sheets of salt,
With metallic clangs on crab shell,

Cuckoo Clock

Made of curvaceous ornamental brass,
sometimes parallel straight arms of white metal,
coated with different shades of radium paint,
hung to long center pivot thoroughly oiled and greased,

The Cold Blooded Rock

The chain of black stretched all over,
the pointed surfaces, the leading of suicidal death,
the tedious climb encircled by emotionless faces,
all of which have a maniacal look,

Dead And Still Living With Me

The heart had ceased to beat completely,
the eyes didn't move a fraction of centimeter,
juxtaposed arteries of blood had frozen midway,
twin pairs of lips lay partially open to the filtering Sunlight,

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