nimal dunuhinga Poems

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An Old Florist Still In His Bachelor Status


I remember the days when I was in port of Salalah,
Sultanate of Oman.
I was working in Port controllers building a mountain top.
It's really interesting, you crawled in the midnight and I offered you a bowl of rice,

Let Bygones Be Bygones

My pillow of dreams whispered in the middle of the night.
Do not sleep and write your love story.
The companion must have sniffed something of my whereabouts.
Why I come late to the bed nowadays?

As The Crow Flies

Parakeet And A Bird Hunter

I smell like a Tangerine
my friends were passing remarks at me.
I found the word 'Puberty' in Webster's.
I can see my parents are very keen

Our 38th Wedding Anniversary!

Oh! My dearest Darling!
Here December 8th has come again,
Really it's a long journey for you
With a notorious Vagabond!

Granny Smith Apple And The Fluorescent Tube!

Granny Smith Apple and the Fluorescent tube!

The Granny Smith green apple is a tip-bearing apple cultivar, which originated in Australia in 1868. It is named after Maria Ann Smith, who propagated the cultivar from a chance seedling. The tree is thought to be a hybrid of Malus sylvestris, the European Wild Apple, with the domestic apple M. domestica as the polleniser. The fruit has hard, light green skin and a crisp, juicy flesh.
Granny Smiths go from being yellow to turning completely green.The acidity mellows significantly, and it then takes on a balanced flavour.

My Little Mermaid

When I lost my sails in the troubled waters
and through the entire voyage
you guided me,
as a morning star

From Day After Tomorrow

I got a mutual transfer
from port of Rabigh
to Duba, in Saudi Arabia
eight hundred kilometers away from here


Maya*, do you remember our boisterous childhood?
We were hopping over the marked squares.
At last you hopped over the horizon
leaving me alone in my dormitory.

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