nimal dunuhinga Poems

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A Consonant Of A Pallid Soul

When I touch the scars of last year's wounds
Really I get a consolation,
And I think of the next year approaches very soon
Without an invitation?

Poor Mom's Prolific University

Mom came with a pile of books
Kept on the table and removed her shoes.
And said; ' Hello! Sonny still time to learn,
Jump into an University dear.'

Moderate Two Thousand And Ten

At the market place the old cobbled street
Turned into a main street,
New vendors, Singers, Beggars
Call girls(with high-heels)

Drops Of Blood

I touched her weeping heart,
The Leper's.
It's pretty warm and no scars to be seen.
Then I heard the inner song

A Helicopter From The Hell

It's a metallic gray color and roams in the nameless sky
Drops pamphlets multicolored to the rage battlefields
On this decent planet Earth.
I saw an orphan child picks one and reads aloud;

Constipated Hostler And The Homebred Woman

Sometimes he sleeps in the stable
And wakes up to gadflies' hubbub.
Scarcely a woman waits for him
At the Pub to secure his wallet.

A Letter Like A Poem

Really I feel this is not a resignation
And some kind of a gratitude.
The destiny has forced us to leave Anaheim
And we have to reach Corona soon.

The Scar Of An Old Wound

It foretells a heavy rain and a drizzle peeps through the shattered window,
A notion pushes me to step into the market place
And have a sip, a cheap glass of wine.
It's torn my coat but never mind,


I listen in the quiet of the night to a faraway chirping of a bird.
She too awakes like me and I try to understand her austere song.
'Where's my Sweetheart and he's late tonight?
He promised me to bring sweetcorn,

A Butterfly Rests On A Cannon In The War Zone

Hey! My little creature
It's not a tree trunk
And not the perfect game.
(Hitting of two balls in one shot in billiards.)

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