olu Akin

olu Akin Poems

My wife's lawyer is her ex
So, I keep appointments at the court
They decide my fate in their former covert,
In clandestine vendetta and surreptitious connivance of rage

Sojourner to far-flung climes;
When you return,
Will you remember the evening songs
Chorused by chirping under the baobab tree?

My wedding is tomorrow!

Foul, these vain desires;

Ah! Too soon to the surreptitious affairs,
Mourning days ebbs,
Energies revived, and to their decorated hides and seek
The which they dubbed in pretext pity

Cataract impedes the harmony and the bond,
To protect their interest which she offered freely,
Undermines the sanctity of mutual oaths and with angst ready to destroy.
Feigned affection and concern, captured the uninstructed mistress,

She found a field, she took it, she loves to have it so.
The world she hoped to have, and so her heart doth run,
Entwined around by follies, the which she called her friends
And these to scared to say the errors of her ways

She pips in fear for lateness like her peer
Camouflaged arrogance with a show of caginess
The error that is obscure reading lines of 'yester-years'
Egotism masked in affronts officiousness

You asked, I can see the wagging of the tongue,
Memories of that venture at Ikoyi,
The same which was done to You and many
I heard your question unvoiced, you wait the news

The Best Poem Of olu Akin

My Wife's "Ex" Is A Lawyer

My wife's lawyer is her ex
So, I keep appointments at the court
They decide my fate in their former covert,
In clandestine vendetta and surreptitious connivance of rage
His anger masked, her rage known,
I read their contention in court documents.
Sometimes to force me out of the house with Emergency protection orders
so, they can share fun times together
For Their unfinished business, I stand daily at the jury.

My wife's friend is a lawyer,
They daily compel me,
Mocks my ignorance of the law,
though their ignorance of a home is even more:
Forces the home's fund from me to the hire a contending lawyer
So, he practices his law in my home,
feigning friendliness to his ex to the ruin of a home.
Though unable himself to articulate legal matters in the court for his color
His classroom takeaway is the dilemma of this home

My wife is never at home,
she keeps appointments with her "ex" and many
For their rusty affairs,
she forces a fight at home and off she is gone to her lawyer
Interrupts surrounding lovers with whom they formed their cult called fellowship
Unaware of the spite of their wives and her wearying constancy around their men
Seeking public approval, while ignoring the matters of the hearts
And by gallivanting around homes of Ex'es, misleading an infant daughter by life

My wife's logic is scanty
Yet emotions run high,
Communication at home nonexistent
Replaced with an innate unforgiveness
Temper runs as smokes from the rock
Reminding me of errors for which apology has been severally made
Turns down all cancels
Holds on to learned rebellion

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