Paul Warren Poems

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Your Inviting Eyes

Let's relax in each others arms
Just lay back and not worry at all
Only us lying together
I think of your soft skin

Haiku - Healing Words

Healing words are said
That make the others before
Not very hurtful

I Will

I will walk for you when you can't walk
And I will speak for you when you are silent
When the day is done I will keep you safe
And if there is a storm raging I will give you shelter

Haiku – Live Each Day Well

Death walks with us all
We do not know where it leads
So live each day well

Love - What Is The True Nature Of Love?

What is the true nature of love?
Is it two souls seeking each from above
As they meet in a thousand lifetimes
And explore each other again to each other kind

Life - What Do We Care

We read the stories but what do we care
Of innocents lost that are too much to bear
What do we say amongst ourselves
How bad it is or thank god it's not ours to delve

Musings - The Three Deaths

David Eagleman had a philosophy for death
The first death is when you take your last breath
And your body ceases to function
The second death is your funeral conjunction

Love- Would You Die For Me?

Would you die for me?
She asked of me
If there was no other way for me
Would you give you life for me?

Police – Don’t Turn Your Back In A Knife Fight

One Sunday afternoon we got the call
To an address where the neighbours heard a brawl
Of shouting and fighting from inside the house
When we parked in the street it was quiet as a mouse

Australia - Stop The Boats

What does it mean in the list of quotes
We have stopped the boats!
Is it that no more people will die?
Or is it that they don't jump the line in a lie?

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