076. O My Sweetheart! Poem by Dipankar Sadhukhan

076. O My Sweetheart!

Rating: 4.5

O my Love, my sweetheart!
I don't need to travel the world
And to watch the beauty of countries
As I find everything in your charming eyes.

Your presence in my heart and mind
Makes me lively every time
And the sweet fragrance of your Love
Flows always in my blood.

I sometimes think of me
How dully and monotonously
I would spend my life
Before you come in my life.

Your sweet fascinating melody
Makes my mind calm and happy
And my heart begins to dance
With the rhythm of your music.

When I feel bored continuously
Spending life monotonously,
The lines of your smiling face
Relieve me of monotony and stress.

When I become very weary
After working hard over the day.
It's you who make me sleep quietly
And wake me up gently.

You are the light of full moon,
The gentle breeze of Spring,
The fresh sunshine in Winter
And the showers of rain in Summer.

You are my inspiration
And the only strength of my pen.
You will stay within my heart
As long as I can live on this earth.

By Dipankar Sadhukhan
Kolkata, India.
'Love, Another Name of Divinity', No: 26
Copyrights@February16,2014 (9: 05 pm) .

Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Manira Khan 14 November 2016

An excellent love poem.10

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