08-09-18 Goodbye Poem by Ray Hansell

08-09-18 Goodbye

Rating: 5.0

You sat across from me
Tears in your eyes
You said you told yourself
That you weren't going to cry

But somehow the tears
Found a way to fall
We both faced the inevitable
No longer could we stall

You said it was time
For us to walk away
Time for you and I
To face a brand new day

No longer would you and I
Be a couple anymore
Things that we could not control
Pushed us through that door

So many memories
So many happy years
Of course more then a few times
When we both shed tears

The fear you felt
Not long ago
Has again returned
As a foe you well know

It seems once again cancer
Has reared it's ugly head
It has again grabbed a hold of you
While filling your life with dread

Now I could be like other people
And tell you things will be just fine
But after what I've been through
That's no longer my state of mind

God and only God knows
What the plan will be
For no one knows the outcome
That awaits both you and me

So as you travel your journey
Down lifes roads unknown
Try to always remember
The things that you were shown

Hope, faith, love and strength
Just to name a few
In my years here on earth
I've never met anyone as strong as you


Monday, February 17, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: cancer
Kumarmani Mahakul 18 February 2020

Cancer fives pain. Tears in eyes provoke thought. This poem is very interesting and nicely penned.10

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