2010/09/08 Introduction Poem by Margaret Alice

2010/09/08 Introduction

I cannot read poems about love because
love is abundant, overflowing - everyone offers
arms full of love, but we lack communication
and understanding, explanation and insight
discernment and wisdom

If we use love for entertainment only, making
love without responsibility - flirtations without
follow-ups, we do not learn how to enjoy and
enlarge the love we already have; love is a
game indeed, but the game

Is but the introduction; comfort and mutual
support, sharing humour and helping each
other to grow and enjoy the world - that is
when the love that abounds like sand on
the shore becomes golden

Acquires meaning and fills our being with hope
and delight, if we do not work on the relationships
within which love can be realised, we lose the people
and things we love so much because they need a lot
of sustenance - and they want

To sustain others also, the lonely traveller who does
not bother to work for these things, blame others for
the frivolous nature of love in his life, but if he does
not water one plant and take care of it, just enjoys
romping with every beautiful flower

He finds that no flower belongs to him - love everything
unconditionally - but create special relationships through
sacrifice - to sustain you when you need it most

Margaret Alice

Margaret Alice

Pretoria - South Africa
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