23. I'm Incomplete Without You Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

23. I'm Incomplete Without You

Day and night, I seek you everywhere,
With light in heart that I meet you;
Years gone by, but you are nowhere,
Yet unextinguished is light, day and night;
I know, our paths must meet some day
On the endless warps and woofs of time.

You are there, as desperate as I am here,
Seek me to reach and blend in my breath
And two souls, minds, hearts, bodies dissolve
Into one to coalesce to an impregnable spark;
For, you know, I'm incomplete without you,
So are you, without my life streaming in you.

You seem nowhere, but everywhere for me,
Within, without, in soul, beyond cosmic reach;
I see you in me, in dreams, hopes, desires, fears,
In farthest limits of my deep joys and pains;
Without you, I am but a dry little stream,
Subdued and vain, torn, sans flush of green.

I feel you beckon me from far away lands,
But alas, I know not where you are, nor
How to reach and build bridges to you;
The calls do stir core, swell my soul
And spawn million wings to fly toward you,
But where should I fly in binding blindness?

Yet awake within, I abide by time,
For, no time can keep us apart forever;
Two souls and minds so longing for each
Must meet and blend some day for sure
To a resplendent glow of celestial flow
And two split halves unite never to part.

Barriers beyond human horizons
Keep us apart for unknown purpose;
Helpless as we are but for deep aches in souls
Yield to burning pan of time's unkindness
And roast us in flames of languor
Till impregnable bond restore us to each.

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