253. No Place Is Secured For The Girls Poem by Dipankar Sadhukhan

253. No Place Is Secured For The Girls

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No place in the world
Is secured for the girls.
They are widely used
In trade and commerce
Only to attract the customers.

Political leaders get tired
Making false commitments
To people over the day
And the girls are used at night
As the medium of their entertainment.

From school girls to house wives-
All are molested or raped
By the vehicle drivers,
Leaders' men and others
Even in the open place in sun light.

Nobody cares about the victims.
The reporters become active
To make their newspapers
And news channels popular
By exposing the news.

Leaders stand by the victims
Only for political purpose.
Leaving their responsibility
Police become ferocious
Only to torture the victims.

The girls are married off
And used only for sexual purpose
And as the child production machines.
Either in society or in family-
Nowhere they are respected.

Sometimes few victims
Expose the truth and expect
True judgement from court
But the accused gets punished
After four decades when he dies.

Not only the male
But also the female
Are involved in selling
And using the children
And the girls as goods.

This earth will be a happy place
For each and every girl
When all the girls
Will fight for their right
And get true education.

By Dipankar Sadhukhan
Kolkata, India.
'The Bower of Love', No.6.
Copyrights@December21,2014(1: 00pm) .

Nandita Sengupta 27 November 2016

So nicely expressed.10

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