39. In Celestial Rhythm Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

39. In Celestial Rhythm

Rating: 5.0

I was in deep sleep that winter night,
And darkness did freeze the world around;
Not a single star twinkled in the sky,
Not a single streak of light anywhere;
Blind and cold and still, not a thing stirred;
I was living dead like a piece of wood,
Sinking deep in barren lifeless world.

Then she came with nectar in heart,
Warm shine in eyes, honey smile on face,
As bright as the full-moon in a cloudless heaven;
She came near in soft gentle steps,
Godly beauty shone like halo around her;
She reached my world, gently touched my life,
Breath to warm breath, her face fragrantly close,
Heart in rhyme to heart, body comfortably near;
She awakened my soul to the lively morn ahead,
To the warm bright rays of the gentle soft sun,
To the chirpings of birds and the stirrings of light,
To the refreshingly sweet air of the joyous daybreak.

She whispered from her soul to my wildly writ soul,
And infused sprightliness to my indolent life;
She stirred my heart to the nuances of the world,
And warmed my soul to the riots of the life.

She said, she brought potions of love in heart,
She sought me to rip up her sweet self apart
And drink all her potions to my heart’s content;
Fresh like dew myself, I reached her eager self,
Held it in both hands, quivering in wild excitement,
Squeezed it hard to my mouth eager in wait
And inhausted every bit till the last single drop.

Thirst quenched, soul content, self in joyous riots,
My heart full with lush love to the brim,
I lowered my eyes to hug her and kiss;
But, alas, what I saw I couldn’t trust,
The eager self of my love had dripped life too
To keep alive my joy and stirrings of sunshine;
The godly beauty of love and inexhaustible charm,
Lay still and breathless, alas, in endless sleep.

She came, woke me up, and lit soul with her life;
She sank to dreary darkness to give me light and life,
To give light to my soul and stir me with love;
She lives in me forever in the shine of my soul,
In daybreaks, sunshine and the riots of the life,
In chirpings of birds and stirrings of light,
In whispers of the souls and the sprightliness around,
In rhyme of hearts and the riots of colours,
In every streak of love I find anywhere.

Nivedita Bagchi SPC UK 18 April 2010

Sir to me it is narrative poem rich in metaphor ambience and spilling vibes of emotions. Who she was? Indeed a poetic riddle poets’ love to keep inside …allow readers to ponder and find the answer…and your crafting is likewise… ‘Lay still and breathless, alas, in endless sleep... ‘gush of gosh… well it’s a part of poetry…thanks for sharing Voted 10 Ms. Nivedita UK

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