75. With Love Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

75. With Love

Who leads to my love,
To the womb of nature’s innocence
To the heart of death’s dreary kingdom?
She raced to the Moon’s dark side
And snatched me from tender light
That glowed my heart with maddening love
And roused innate flame to scorching thirst,
Which made my heart her passion’s mad riot
And laid the soul on her luscious feet
With sweet glow of love and concern.

A subtle spell of writhing pain
Frosts in heart;
It prods soul to incessant search
Of what a day leads to blissful union
That swells the joy of rare peace and light
In hearts that bled gloom till then.

Aye, who leads me to my love,
To the womb of nature’s innocence,
To the heart of death’s dreary kingdom?
Life is not life and joy, not joy
And nought in deep vacuum, I am,
If her bright, soft Self illumes not mine;
She throbs my throb and breaths my breath,
She dances in soul and visits as tender breeze,
Comforts tender, gray Self and tired, livid limbs
And soothes pervasive gloom with blurs of misty tears;
Yet, nowhere, she is anywhere,
For, thought immortal she is, mortal is my turbid sight.

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