A Boy's Dream Poem by Randy McClave

A Boy's Dream

A boy dreams of becoming a man
To be the best that he really can,
Maybe to run or to drive really fast
And then having a memory that will last.
His dream might be to be a doctor or an architect
Something he'll do with pride with no neglect,
Or maybe instead he will dream of being a sport's star
To box or to toss a ball or to drive a race car.
Maybe his dreams will be to climb a mountain high
Or maybe to fly a plane in the sky,
Or maybe one day he will want to go to outer space
Maybe he wants to lead the race.
Is dream instead might be in the military
Maybe being the captain of a ship he wants to ferry,
Maybe the whole world he wants to explore
Or maybe he just wants to start up a store.
Maybe he wants to become a nomad
Which he believes would make him very glad,
Having no ties and no place to ever call home
The world is his to explore and to roam.
His dreams might be to become a famous musician
Where sorrow and pain and hard work is the tuition,
A young boy has so many dreams and desires
In his soul he wants to set so many fires.

A girl's dream is different than want a boys is
In her dreams there is always a his,
Her dreams are always the same, but sometimes somewhat varied
A girl dreams of becoming a woman, so to get married.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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