Then He Cried Poem by Randy McClave

Then He Cried

Rating: 5.0

When he left his mother and the doctor spanked his hide
In that delivery room he then first cried,
But, that cry that he uttered so proudly and loud
Was a proclamation to all, that he'll make his mother proud.

As a young boy he and his mother walked hand in hand
She taught him that one day alone he must make his stand,
So, in defeat he would not ever give up, but again he would try
And not once ever in a loss, did he cry.

The man that he became was not crafted from a father or brother
It was from the desire and the love from his mother,
Now, the man that he became he has said with honor and pride
Was all because of his mother, and then he cried.

Randy L. McClave

Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: mother,son
I wrote this short poem after I saw a video of a son proudly crying because of the love and the faith and sacrifices his mother made for him.
Bernard F. Asuncion 07 March 2018

Randy, such a profound poem of the day... congrats for being chosen....a huge 10+++++

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Randy 07 March 2018

Thank you for your words and for reading my poem.

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Practicing Poetess 07 March 2018

A poem that shows a mother's influence to be stronger than realised, in the life of a young man. Very well-written, and a deserved pick for Poem of the Day!

5 1 Reply
Randy McClave 07 March 2018

I just recently loss my mother, and my mother was the greatest influence on myself.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 01 September 2024

Poem worded in great Brilliance! Once again 5 Stars. Thank you so much for sharing.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 19 January 2024

Though in 2018, but I say still CONGRATULATIONS now being chosen as The Member Poem Of The Day. Most deserving, dear Randy.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 19 January 2024

A heart touching poem and so very sensitive. TOP Marks for this amazing poem.

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Chinedu Dike 18 August 2019

A poignant rendition elegantly embellished with poetic rhyme and rhythm. An insightful work of art written with conviction.

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Randy Mcclave 12 March 2018

Thank everyone for their words, I am in Japan now, for about another week or so, my heart is still breaking after the loss of my mother, Once again, thank you everyone one for reading and commenting on my poem. Randy

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Sylvia Frances Chan 19 January 2024

Dear Randy, though years have passed, but the great sadness about your mother's death will stay, mine is like your dear Mother, we will never forget, though she is dead. Thank you so much for this lovely poem, I become sad too, since my mother was like yours.

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Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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