A Certain Day Poem by Lesa MRK

A Certain Day

Rating: 2.9

There was a day in the past,
That I wish would always last,
But as the days go rushing by,
I begin to wonder why,
That day can never be,
Another tomorrow to me.

If I could go back again,
I know it would never end.
But I know that time will never come;
Those days are becoming numb.
Somewhere lost to me,
That day will always be.

But still yet I dream of that day,
Even though in the past it'll lay.
It is forever lost in the sea,
Of tender rhapsody.

You and I have more tomorrows to face,
And more dreams to race,
Yet that day will always be a part,
Of the memories in my heart.

Vision Ghost 30 July 2006

Aww yes I know ur sentiment on this one. Many a time when I reminisce of past moments when the world seemed so perfect, and the arms of the one seemed to fit around me me like a second clothing, warm and comforting! Yes I like this one alot.

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Abigail Keller 07 July 2006

Beautiful, beautiful- Funny how such a day can leave an imprint like that on ones heart. Thanks for sharing ~Amber~

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Ruby Root 06 July 2006

Hi Lesa, You write with compassion and intensity. You are a excellent writer. This was a warm and a little sad. Your an emotional writer. Take care.

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