A Doctor-Poet’s Tribute To A Great Doctor And Man Of Science Poem by Dr John Celes

A Doctor-Poet’s Tribute To A Great Doctor And Man Of Science

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It was a rare, rare find!
I say this with my heart and mind;
I was so thrilled to find a man –
So learned, yet simple – I was his fan!

A man of science
With conscience!
He donned a string of fine degrees;
The man was bent to fight disease;
He occupied the highest chair
At MAHE’s academic hill, so rare.

I wondered how a man could rise
So adamantly, without vice
To be a great phenomenon –
A proud, prodigy physician.
He made his parents, country proud,
And placed his family in ninth cloud!

A Stanlian with great awards –
Pride of India award;
Dr.B.C. Roy award;
Jagdish Chander Bose award;
Distinguished Physician of India award;
Great Teacher award
Stanley Alumini award
Karnataka Rajyothsava award
Excellence for 2000 award
And many more on his cards!

Step by step, he climbed each rung
Of life’s ladder to stay among
The most elite of medical men
With scholastic prowess and ken
That few Indians ev’r attained,
And God-willingly rarely gained!

He was an eminent teacher,
And ‘State-of-the-art’ top reacher;
A par excellence Professor,
Erudite ex tempore speaker.

He loves to teach and train students,
And toils to updat knowledge, hence;
He wears a smile of humbleness
That masks a face of true greatness.

He continues still to be:
A cardiologist- Teacher,
A referee and researcher;
An examiner and author;
A friendly guide, philosopher.

I pray that God must bless this soul
For pursuing a noble role
Of healing people suffering
And yet, from others differing!
Man in his early seventies,
God grant him health and mental peace.

Fondly dedicated to Dr. B.M.Hegde, Ex. VC, MAHE, Manipal.

Copyright by Dr John Celes 9-16-2009

Richard Wlodarski 21 March 2022

Another excellent tribute to an exceptional doctor!

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Dr John Celes

Dr John Celes

Tamilnadu, India
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