When you loan someone a dollar
Don't ask for it's return with a scream or a holler,
An unrighteous person will verbally attack
While a trustworthy person will always pay you back.
As is spoken by a biblical scholar.
Promises are always easily made
When someone is broke or even afraid,
They will give you their word and promises with a hymn
But, they will never keep any of them.
And then one day all those promises will fade.
Think before you accept a promise or make a loan
Some will break you very backbone,
Many promises are made by tears wept
But, by many those promises are never kept.
An unrighteous person is best left all alone.
By false promises and loans I sadly did learn
I was used and tricked and I did get burn,
An unrighteous person does not ever care
They know how to setup and bait and cunningly use the snare.
So, never expect your dollar or a promise return.
Randy L. McClave
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem