A Dream Of A Naked Star Poem by Adams King

A Dream Of A Naked Star

Rating: 2.5

I had a dream of a naked star
Well furnished with fair flesh
Twinkling with sparks of love
Inevitable to every gazer

Lest a man be dead as stone
Will he resist such tempting sight
That stretches a man to stand
And causes his head to bow

I stammer with words to say
Seeing the goodness of a goddess
Such that makes a man pray
Pleading for a taste of pleasure

A thousand death is better bared
For a lifetime with such named star
A thousand wounds be welcomed
For a night between those thighs

I will worship you if I must
And render my unbroken vows
I will give you my undying trust
To have a thrust in your heaven

Its blasphemy to say you're beautiful
For beauty itself cannot define
What maiden have ever lived
That portrays such glowing pride

She shines even at the wake of dawn
With radiance that rubbishes the sun
She shines even better at night
With such glow that mocks the moon

What made the angels once fell
How much more mere mortal being
I will fall a thousand times more
If you'll embrace me in your arms

I will tell the whole world what I saw
Many wonders in a single woman
A dream of a naked star
Is like forever embedded in a night

Thursday, March 19, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: beauty,dream,romance
Saibal Barman 11 May 2020

Strong poetic flow....the words expressed the emotions enriched by divinity interwoven with passion

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