A Flight Into Orbit: Poem by Liza Sud

A Flight Into Orbit:

It was such a flight into orbit:
even music to me - not enough and
Whether Laitman or Brik called it,
whether Julia, or Natasha.

Whether angels are deep in playing
more than demons and still keep me,
or all fellows combined together
and are praying for my redeeming.

As the whole world become the center
of my fiction and fantasy,
as in physics, the ' Phase angle'
has exceeded capacity.

Whether they still didn't describe the
fluctuations of light waves,
Or they didn't reach understanding
between forces of two Testaments.

Это был полет по орбите:
даже музыки мне мало!
То ли Лайтманом вызван, то Бриком,
то ли Юлией, то Наташей.

То ли ангелы разыгрались
пуще демонов и держат,
то ль товарищи все собрались
помолиться об исправленьях.

То ли мир весь стал средоточьем
моих вымыслов и фантазий,
и как в физике 'сдвиг по фазе'
многократно превысил мощность.

То ли так и не описали
колебания волн Света,
То ли так и не разобрались
между силами Двух Заветов.

Thursday, April 14, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: flight
Daniel Brick 14 April 2016

PHASE ANGLE HAS EXCEEDED CAPACITY - that's a great sentence! But since I'm not familiar with PHRASE ANGEL, I don't get the point. But I like the science element in your poem. It seems to me you are contrasting secular knowledge that is science with religious knowledge through revelation in scriptures, but neither source gives us human a total understanding of the cosmos. Especially the last stanza shows this ultimate mystery of things. As for reconciling the Old and New Testaments - I once when much younger tried to do that and innocently set about it. I was frustrated in a short time. You have a much better goal: the Kaballah and Laitman. The mystic path will fly over (the orbit theme!) the problems I faced, and land in a fully restored Garden!

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