A Friend From A Foe Poem by Sucrose White

A Friend From A Foe

Hiding behind shadows isn't the style of men
But hypocrites have another view
One sample is uncle ben
He who's supporters are few

Perhaps the ruthless will understand when others use arrows and bows
Though they can't tell a friend from a foe

Some say a lion is heartless
unrealizing it's passion for it's young
It itself eat flesh like chocolate
But not those of humans cuz it's wrong

A brainless creature can tell a head from a toe
Still some people can't tell a friend from a foe

Many fools are addicted to killing like drugs
They also love hearing people's painful screams
Pretending to be police but they're actually thugs
Who envy people for fulfilling some dreams

They're way more scavenging than crows
But we can't tell a friend from a foe

Lying was and will always be a filthy habit
People use as a key to their goals
But still play the innocence of rabbits
As it's their most successful role

They strive for holding on to this role
So we can't tell a friend from a foe

They’re now watching us seeking freedom
Believing that we’ll never find it
Though we know a republic is similar to a kingdom
A place where our activities shall fit

They’re scurrying around like victims of Saw
Ones that can’t tell a friend from a foe

Vipins Puthooran 29 October 2011

It's a fantastic poem. Good rhyme/flow, Beautiful poetic depiction! ! !

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Unwritten Soul 29 October 2011

Interesting poem, it not too complex and not too simple just like sucrose, sweet but aint no glucose...you really have talent, enjoyed reading this..keep writing my fellow PH friend :) All the best in writing and idea sharing :) _Unwritten SOul

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