A Good Man She Wants Poem by Randy McClave

A Good Man She Wants

A good man every woman wants
That is her dreams, desires and flaunts,
And when that man comes into her life
He wants joy, love and happiness and no strife.
He has boundaries and self respect for himself
That he doesn't hide on a shelf,
And the things that he might not like her do
Are all because, he wants him and her to be two.
When he asks her not to do that or do this
It's because, he knows it would effect their bliss,
Then unto her he becomes a narcissistic piece of trash
That she will continually harass and bash.
When finally he comes her way
She treats him like garbage every single day,
She'll end up being not a good woman
Because, once I was that man.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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