A Great Math Teacher Poem by CONCEPCION CAMASIN

A Great Math Teacher

By: Concepcion C. Camasin

Although most students dislike Math subject,
I can not say all of them would reject,
the most useful subject in the entire planet,
All of us must agree that numbers serve as magnet,
bringing everyone updated through numbers in internet.

Here comes the Great Math Teacher,
Swicthing positive mindset of learners,
From all negative intriguers,
into positive problem solvers,
making all learners the Great Math Lovers!

Great Math Teacher is Mathematically knowlegeable,
All signs and numerical symbols are balanceable,
those uniqueness is both noticeable,
From himself and to his learners are inimaginable
Math Teacher, You're truly a learner's idol!

Friday, September 4, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: education,educational
klouwy nartea 21 September 2018

i cry... i love it when we use this for my math teacher, she cried and we cried

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Aarohi 02 September 2018

A mathematics teacher must deserve it. It is from every student's heart who may like or dislike the subject maths

3 1 Reply
Anudeep 11 August 2018

My maths teacher deserve this poem He is a great teacher and I am very proud of him

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anushika 30 May 2018

My maths teacher is deserve this poem..

3 0 Reply
Fabrizio Frosini 04 September 2015

the math teacher.. the 'terror' made person.. ;)

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